Piskoppel, A.A. (2007). Problem of integration of psychology: method and approach
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2007. Volume 2. Issue 1
Section |
Psychological Cognition and Method of Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Problem of integration of psychology: method and approach
Authors |
Piskoppel, Anatoly Alfredovich
Abstract |
The method, characterized by the category of knowledge, is always a reflexive knowledge. In the case of displacement of interest on the level of psychology as a scientific subject to the level of psychology as the scope of the problem of integration can and should be discussed not only and so much on the level and with regard to the method, but as an approach. The author talks about changing the categorical context, categorical funds of review. Integration problem in this case acts as a problem of self-organization of the field of psychology, psychological work. And in this case, in the foreground there is not the problem of object-oriented method of research or practice-substantive transformation of the object (the psyche), but the problems of understanding and reflection, the relationship of thinking, communication, and efficiency in the process of cooperative work. The example of psychological approach is the traditional psychologism. The project and the idea of integrative psychology can be understood and interpreted as creating the new psychologism based on the traditional psychologism that can take over the function of integration not other spheres of thought and action, but the psychology itself.
Keywords |
- intergrative psychology
- theoretical psychology
- practical psychology
- reflexive knowledge
- reality
- currency
- culture
- method
- approach
- psychologism
References |
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To cite this article |
Piskoppel, A.A. (2007). Problem of integration of psychology: method and approach. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(1), 37-50.