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Klochko, V.E. (2007). The logic of the development of psychological knowledge and the problem of the method of science

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JournalMethodology and History of Psychology Year2007 Volume2 Issue1 Pages5-19
SectionPsychological Cognition and Method of Psychology TypeScientific article Download full text as PDF (in Russian)

The Logic of the Development of Psychological Knowledge and the Problem of the Method of Science

The article states that psychological science enters a phase of its development that allows it to comprehend itself as a self-developing whole and raise questions about the laws of its own development. But the image of science as a closed system, growing "bottom up" in the process of solving specific "puzzles," still prevails. However, even today we can see signs of the formation of the image of science as an open system, the self-development of which appears as a transition of potentiality to reality, initiated by the very fact of openness. The transformation of the method of the science is determined not only by the "bottom," i.e. the way psychological reality opens up in the course of its concrete scientific research, but also by those laws that are inherent in scientific cognition as such. The increase in the level of systemacy of scientific thinking, which makes it possible to distinguish between simple systems, complex self-regulating systems, complex self-developing systems, increases the level of the systematization of psychological thinking, thereby determining the appropriate "upside down" transformations of the subject-matter of science. Today, psychology is trying to understand the role of the psyche in the self-organization of human as an open self-developing system.

Keywords: self-organization; self-development; tendencies of development; progressive development; becoming; laws of becoming; subject-matter of science; method of science; selective interaction; level of systemacy of thinking; classics; non-classics; post-non-classics.

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To cite this article: Klochko, V.E. (2007). The logic of the development of psychological knowledge and the problem of the method of science. Methodology and History of Psychology, 2(1), 5-19.

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