Garber, I.E. (2006). Normative and descriptive approaches to definition of subject-matter of psychology
Journal |
Methodology and History of Psychology. 2006. Volume 1. Issue 1 |
Section |
Variety of Approaches to Definition of Subject-matter of Psychology
Pages |
Type |
Scientific article
Title |
Normative and descriptive approaches to definition of subject-matter of psychology
Authors |
Garber, Ilya Evgenievich
Abstract |
The author considers normative and descriptive approaches to definition of the subject-matter of psychology. Attempts to give the normative definition of the subject-matter of psychology didn't lead to a significant progress, but allowed to fix the positions of various authors and to compare them with each other. The descriptive approach combines theoretical and applied psychology and can be implemented with the help of lexical analysis and cliometric approach of P. Meehl, leads to an idea of the variability of the subject-matter of psychology and gives guidance to the organizers of science and professional psychological education.
Keywords |
- subject-matter of psychology
- normative definition
- descriptive definition
- context factors
- lexical approach
- thesaurus
- cliometic approach
- P. Meehl
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To cite this article |
Garber, I.E. (2006). Normative and descriptive approaches to definition of subject-matter of psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(1), 119-131.