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Karitsky, I.N. (2006). Explication of subject-matter of psychology

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2006. Volume 1. Issue 1
Subject-matter of Psychology in Terms of Universal Theory of Psychology
Scientific article
Explication of subject-matter of psychology
Karitsky, Igor Nikolaevich
Existing methods for determining the subject-matter of psychology are examined: declarative and analytical, phenomenalist and essentialist, empirical and theoretical, pragmatic and logical, simple and system, postulative and resultative, didactic and problematic, etc. It is concluded that an ideal definition of the subject-matter of psychology should be the definition characterized as problematic, logical, theoretical, analytical-synthetic, system, essentialist-resultative. The author considers the theoretical-methodological features of a problem of the subject-matter of psychology. The author makes an attempt of deployment of the subject-matter of psychology as psyche through the genesis of one of its general forms – perception – represented in the fundamental aspects of nervous processes coordination of tactile, kinesthetic and visual perception systems.
  • subject-matter of psychology
  • psyche
  • definition
  • type of definitions
  • level structure of subject
  • form of psyche
  • neurophysiological
  • physical
  • noumenon
  • phenomenon
  • perception
  • mechanism of formation and existence of psyche
  • coordination of nervous processes
  • tactile perception
  • kinesthetic perception
  • visual perception
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To cite this article
Karitsky, I.N. (2006). Explication of subject-matter of psychology. Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(1), 105-118.

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