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Zhdan, A.N. (2006). Subject-matter of psychology: evolution of notion

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Methodology and History of Psychology. 2006. Volume 1. Issue 1
Subject-matter of Psychology in History of Psychology
Scientific article
Subject-matter of psychology: evolution of notion
Zhdan, Antonina Nikolaevna
The author examines the process of becoming a subject-matter of psychology in the course of the emergence and evolution of scientific psychological knowledge in line with philosophy, medicine and various sciences. An overview of the most important concepts of the subject-matter in the history of psychology as an independent science is given. It is stated that the development of views on the subject-matter of psychology continues now. The author makes the conclusion about the enduring value of the work of predecessors for the realization of subject field of psychology.
  • subject-matter of psychology
  • method of psychology
  • principle of historicism
  • Russian psychology
  • world psychology
  • historical assessment
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To cite this article
Zhdan, A.N. (2006). Subject-matter of psychology: evolution of notion. Methodology and History of Psychology, 1(1), 8-22.

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